Volunteer Spotlight

We want to thank an amazing Volunteer, Alli Lee, OFKS’s Database Entry Volunteer!
Here's a little Q&A with her we featured on our facebook:
Q: Why do you volunteer?
A: I wanted to make a difference. Between work and home, I wanted to give my time.
Q: How did you get involved?
A: I was talking with Jen (Executive Assistant to the President) and she mentioned that the organization needed someone to work on filling their new databases, I told her, I'll do it! (Laughs). That was my field.
Q: How did you both meet and could you tell us more about your background?
A: We met in college (7 years ago) and we became friends during a weekly Bible study. Well, I earned two Associate’s degrees and two Coding Certifications, including a Coding Specialist Certification.
Q: So you have two degrees and two certifications in coding?
A: Well, three if you include the State Certification.
(No wonder she's been amazing at this volunteer position!)
Q: What is something you have learned from this experience?
A: That there is a whole other side. You forget that there are people who don't have what you have or who are struggling. It has been a real eye opening experience. It makes you remember.
Q: What is something you would tell anyone who is trying to better their life?
A: Just get out there and make a difference. There are opportunities everywhere.
Alli has logged 71 Volunteer hours and August 2013 marked her 4th consecutive month with us. She has worked on both our Intake database and Home Assessment database, inputting information for nearly 300 of our participant entries!
We cannot thank her enough for her time, lending her experience and qualifications in serving, and especially for being a member of the OFKS Family! This does not include previous hours she has spent with us out in our storage spaces sorting and preparing items for delivery.
She is such a blessing to Our Father’s Kingdom Services!