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Our Greatest Needs

Our Father's Kingdom Services is a Donor-Supported Organization.
To be able to serve those in need in the greatest capacity we are praying for these items. 
You can be a part of our growth and service reach!

Our Primary Needs are:
Office Space with an attached warehouse. Our Ideal space would be at least 1800 sq. feet of office space to operate our administration and at least 3500 sq feet of warehouse space to process donations. 
We know God provides in many ways, and it would be a blessing if we had such a space donated, as we continue to fundraise. 

For years we have operated our of storage units, but this has grown increasingly difficult. We have always had to dig our way past what we have in storage to the items we need access to for deliveries. Having Space where we can freely move and organize donated items is a need we're praying in.

New or used high roof cargo van for deliveries.

11' box truck with a ramp for pick-up and deliveries

Sponsoring or the donating these items would greatly bless our operations!
Your Donations are Tax-Deductible.